Griffin and Rachel discuss the hidden talents of each contestant as revealed in Week 4: CAILA-001's aggro-sensuality, Lauren H.'s unique kiss texturing, JoJo's ability to track and kill a wild white rhino on the Las Vegas strip and, of course, Olivia's ability to fit four to six Nintendo 64 cartridges inside her head.
Rachel and Griffin explore the racial overtones of one of the most bonkers episodes of this show they've ever seen. Ben utters four words that absolutely set Griffin's brain on fire.
Rachel and Griffin dive into Ben's sophomore performance, and do their very best to discredit Dr. Love, who is a psychopath. Also: The origins of CA.ILA-001, a bio-organism that will consume us all.
Rachel and Griffin McElroy kick off their bold experiment in service journalism: A podcast in which they talk about The Bachelor family of products. In this, the pilot episode of Rose Buddies, they discuss the format for the show, their personal histories with it and the promising contestants in this season's haul.