It's hometowns week, which means it's time for our semi-annual celebration of a dude telling four families the exact same stuff about their real-life children. But there's more important stuff happening here, in the real world -- namely, the vicious betrayal of a trusted, vitamin-filled friend.
This week's Bachelor was a fairly tame lead-up to the absolute FIRE that is Hometowns, but there were still plenty of noteworthy occurrences. Like that time that Ben piloted a boat into a crowd of women, or when Ben made a woman eat a french fry out of his mouth like a mama bird.
After last week's totally thrilling cliffhanger, Griffin and Rachel return to discuss the brutal efficiency of Ben Higgins: The Axeman. Four women got the boot this week, and we're all like, yo Benny, where's the fire, man? Take your time. Live the moment. Feed the swimming pigs.
Rachel and Griffin discuss the events of a pretty big snoozer of an episode, including the heartbreaking dismissal of a flawless contestant. There's also a live Superwater Zero taste test, which, buddy, that's just good radio.